Please send your payments to BPI 0479778507 Melchor A. Setubal Mia Road Gcash 09491566543 Melchor S. Pay maya 09491566543 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLast Waiver, member payment Email *Contact Number *Enter a valid mobile numberAre you a member of TFOE-PE Inc ( Eagles Member) *YesNoRegistration Type *Adult - ₱600.00Teens/Kids - ₱ 300Shirt Size *Extra Small (L- 24, W-18.5)Extra Small (L- 24, W-18.5)Small (L-25, W-19.5)Medium (L-26, W-20.5)Large (L-27, W-21)2XL (L-29, W-23)3XL (L-30, W-24)4XL (L-31, W-25)Measurement in Inches - For AdultsShirt Size for Kids *Size #18 (L-22, W-17)Size #18 (L-22, W-17)Size #16 (L-21, W-16)Size #14 (L-20, W-15)Size #12 (L-19, W-14)Size #10 (L-18, W-13)Size #8 (L-17, W-12)Size #6 (L-16, W-11)Measurement in Inches - for KidsUpload your proof of payment * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload Your Student ID * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Emergency Contact Person *NameEmergency Contact Number *Mobile #Waiver Ta-Run Na Agila 2025I acknowledge that running in the event is a potentially hazardous activity, which is an extreme test of a person’s physical and mental limits and could result in illness, serious injury or death and property loss or damage. I acknowledge that I am participating in the event by my own free will and at my own personal risk. I will not participate in the event unless I am mentally, physically and medically able and properly trained to join this event. I certify that I am mentally, physically, emotionally, and medically able and fit to perform in the event, that I am in good health and I am properly trained, and that my equipment, if applicable, is appropriate for use in this event.I acknowledge that this Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement will be used by Pioneer Anchor Sanglahi Eagles Club, and the sponsors of the event in which I may participate and it will govern my actions and responsibilities at said event. In consideration of my application/registration and permitting me to participate in this event, I hereby take action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors, and assigns as follows:(A) Waive, release, and discharge, and its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives and agents, the event sponsors and event volunteers, from any and all loss, damages and/or claims, including liability causing death, disability personal injury, property damage, property theft or actions of any kind which may hereafter accrue to me during my participation in the Event; and(B) Indemnify and hold harmless all entities or persons mentioned in this paragraph from any and all loss, damages, liabilities or claims made by other individuals or entities as a result of my actions during this event.I certify that I have read and understood the rules of the event including the terms in this Waiver, and the timeline of the event, and agree to abide by all laws, rules and regulations governing the event. *I AgreeSubmit